I have been revisiting my passion to embroidery lately. A good friend of mine wanted pillow cases for her Daughters , and brought me the materials. Well I had to take it further and try monogram by hand. I had been studying, Mary Corbet over in her web sight Needle'n Tread.com. and got the great ideal to monogram there initials I consider my self a beginner as you can tell, by all all the mistakes. They loved them thought and everyone is wanting there own for spent the nights. they are fun to do and work up pretty quick take on a folk art look I sure do need to practice. I will have more to show off latter.

Wow, Paularay, your embroidery looks wonderful to me. I love embroidery and used to sit at my Granny's knee embroidering with her. We did do pillowcases. She even taught me how to hemstitch. Not many people are into needlework (except knitting and crocheting) any longer. Go for it, girl.
Well those are great!!!
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